by Ioannis Liritzis
The archaeological site of Kastrouli in the town of Desfina, Phokis has been systematically investigated since 2016 until 2020 through an interdisciplinary and multiscientific means following an integrated approach. The archaeological excavation employed amongst others, cyber archaeology tools, archaeometric investigations concerning luminescence dating, spectroscopic and mineralogical analyses for the characterization and prov-enance of ceramic fabric, geophysical prospection. Major results include the documentation for the use of local clay sources, the dating by typology, C-14 and OSL to the Late Helladic/ Late Mycenaean III and reuse in the Geometric, and later periods. The successful application of archaeogeophysical prospection and accurate po-sitioning of the unearthed finds via cyber archaeology tools, the anthropological and palaeontological study, all have produced important data which start to complete the puzzle for Kastrouli in the periphery of the Mycenaean World in Phokis. The concept of methodology, implementation and interpretation of the obtained data and work in progress are reviewed.